Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Today is Christmas.

I won't be posting a new recipe.
I won't be posting about the gifts I've received or what was on the menu today.
I'm not even going to post about how much I love my Ben.
 I am going to post about Christ.
Because He is what we celebrate this day.

Do we really understand the significance of this day?
Today is the day that our Savior, our brother, was born unto us in this mortal life. 
Today is the day that the Plan of Salvation sets the course to change the outcome of every person in existence, to save them from eternal sorrow and bring to them the opportunity of eternal happiness and life in the presence of our Father in Heaven.
Today is the day, over 2000 years ago. that a miracle happened.
Do we see it? Do we recognize it? Do we feel it?

What does Christ mean to you personally?
Christ is truly light and life. The answer to all sorrow and heartache. One that has sunk below all to know how you feel and to save you from living in your sins forever. He has conquered death for you. And what did he expect to gain? Nothing but the chance to live with you again.
Christ is ultimate selflessness. Do we know him?

Imagine your brother.
Today is his birthday.
The thing is, he is not physically there with you because he sacrificed himself for you that you might not die. Not only did he sacrifice himself but he suffered greatly right before and during his death. He did it so you wouldn't have to.
Would you honor him on his birthday?
Maybe just a little more than you do now?

What gift would you give him on his birthday to honor him?
What is the one thing he wants for his birthday?
 He asks of us only one simple thing. Follow him.
He will lead you back home.

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